ICAgile Certified Product Ownership

Course Description

This IC Agile Certified Product Ownership course run by our certified partners in Expleo Academy provides attendees with an Expleo framework, and practical understanding of concepts and techniques that can be applied to Product Ownership roles. The course is facilitated by accredited trainers with experience of business value analysis and agile enablement. Attendees are immersed into a variety of Product Ownership scenarios, and challenged to utilise taught techniques. The course has been designed to align with modern “Training from the Back of the Room” teaching methodology and industry-leading collaborative online tools.
2.5 days

Session details

Online sessions are run over five consecutive mornings.


There are no course prerequisites. However, a basic understanding of the Agile mindset is advisable, and completion of our certified Agile Fundamentals course would provide an advantage.

Course Objectives

On completion of this course, you will be able to :
Understand the key characteristics of collaborative value-based Product Ownership
Demonstrate ways in which Agile Product Ownership facilitates effective collaboration and communication within and across teams
Analyse and categorise relevant business systems to identify and prioritise value
Recognise the skills and behaviours required for successful Product Ownership, such as asking tough questions and flexibility in communication
Create a Vision, Business Model, and delivery Roadmap that illustrate planned value
Demonstrate the use of tools for communicating delivery of value in an initiative
Apply stakeholder analysis tools, such as a lightweight stakeholder communication plan
Analyse needs, constraints and other trade-off factors to prioritise value effectively
Use proven techniques for exploring potential solutions, and communicating through modelling
Recognise valuable artifacts and their lifecycles in an Agile environment
Recognise a Definition of Done at multiple levels, and apply progressive elaboration techniques

Who should attend?

This course is intended for those performing, or transitioning to, roles that support or deliver Product Ownership responsibilities. This includes Product Owners, Business Analysts, Product Managers, Product Champions, Agile Customers, Business Subject Matter Experts, and Business Representatives. It is also of benefit to those in development team roles, such as Designers, Architects, and Specialist Testers, that support delivery of value to the business. The course will also appeal to anyone with a curiosity about agile approaches to value-driven software delivery.

How certification is earned

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be awarded an “ICAgile Product Ownership” certificate. To achieve this certification, you are expected to engage fully in collaborative experiential learning activities, group discussions, and a final “Expleo Challenge”.

You Are The Product Owner

Scenario-based immersion into Product Ownership challenges

Agile Re-think

The importance of Product Ownership
The Agile Manifesto in new contexts

What Is Product Ownership?

An Expleo framework for Product Ownership
Industry Definitions
Who does what?
Value, Quality and Progress
Top 10 responsibilities
When Product Ownership goes missing
Behavioural competencies and thinking skills
The role in new contexts


Value considerations and constraints
Perspectives and Value Statements
The importance of clear vision for the team
Creating a Vision for your idea

Explore The Idea

Exploring Value before solutioning
Value Propositions
Quality considerations
Business Model Canvas
Just Enough for your Business Model
A clearer Vision for your idea

Exploit The Idea

Multi-layered Roadmaps
A rolling Roadmap
More informed Roadmaps
Evolving Roadmaps
Customer Empathy
User Journey Mapping
Touchpoint Analysis
Your empathetic Roadmap
User Story recap
Your backlog of needs


Product Iceberg
Progressive elaboration
Definition of Ready
Conversations about Quality
Conversations about slicing
Your elaborated Story


Backlog Refinement
Prioritisation approaches
Prioritisation Calculator
Prioritisation Quadrant
Backlog Prioritisation
Your prioritised Backlog


Definition of Done
Risks and Assumptions
Risk Identification
Risk Analysis
Experiment Cards
Risk adjusted Backlogs


Reporting Progress
Just Enough Documentation
Communications Plans

The Review

The Expleo Challenge
Final Retrospective
Next Steps

ICAgileCertified Agile FundamentalsProduct OwnershipCertified Product OwnershipSoftware testingSoftware test