Credit Management Representative Training

Course Description

This 2 day training workshop is designed to develop the skills and techniques of the credit management representatives’ to increase the speed of payment from customers and minimise bad debt. In the present challenging business the ability to maintain the cash flow, interrogate the aged debtor file and maintain relationship with the customer is critical skill. The workshop model will highlight and recognise effective techniques being used and demonstrate how these can be built on to achieve the financial targets.
2 Days
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This workshop is designed for staff who are responsible for credit control and debt reduction. It focuses on the importance of interpersonal skills and effective communication methods to persuade or convince the customer to settle over due accounts. It is suitable for credit management staff who wish to refine their skills and manage the increasingly evasive techniques employed by debtors.

Benefits of Attending

- The participants will learn techniques and valuable tools to respond to customers who delay or neglect to settle outstanding accounts
- They will identify and seek to resolve internal blockages that delay payment
- They will explore a strategy for interrogating the aged debtors
- They will create a plan to negotiate effectively with customers
- They will use assertive communication techniques to present a professional response to customers
- They will recognise contribution of the support structure in the organisation to resolving queries and adopting a planned approach to reducing debt

Goal of Credit Control & Debt Reduction

What is your role
Identifying the key skills required by a credit management representative
The value of prioritising of the aged debtors, and Current Billing Follow up file according to your business rules

Characteristics of Clients

Logical Debtor Behaviour
What are the factors that delay payments
Planning and organising your work

Identifying and acting on deviations in payment patterns

Adapting to changing priorities in a business cycle
Creating a checklist when contacting clients

Assertive communication

Fogging Technique
Broken record
Active Listening
Conveying a professional attitude

Proactive telephone collection

Creating a plan or strategy on how to collect more money and reduce the outstanding balances
Deciding which accounts to target
Which method gives the best results?
Converting calls into payments
Asking for Payment
Closing the Call
Follow up
Creating an appropriate turnaround plan

Recognise support structure

The value of networks and building informal relationships
When to escalate to your manager
Communicating with managers and sales managers
The importance of remarking the accounts

Techniques for Negotiating with Customers

Dealing with resistance or excuses
Are you the correct person to negotiate?
Negotiating by email

Meeting the customer face to face

The role of credit management in customer retention and building customer loyalty
Preparing for a client visit
The importance of body language
Converting your Knowledge into new behaviours
Contributing to team meetings

Applied FinanceCredit ControlCredit ManagementDebt collectionFFNFMFinance for non Financial ManagersFinance Skills