Leadership Coaching Skills Certificate

Course Description

When managers and leaders make coaching part of their everyday work, they increase focus, resilience and impact. A coaching approach provides a resourceful and innovative way of responding to professional leadership challenges and opportunities experienced today.
6 Days (5 training days, 1 practical assessment day)
Contact us for pricing


Participants should be in or be moving into manager, supervisor or team-lead roles. Their focus will be on a desire to support and influence others to achieve their goals and improve their levels of professional performance.


QQI (formerly FETAC) Certified programme

What will this Leadership Coaching Certificate give you?

A comprehensive set of coaching skills, techniques and models
Develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Develop a personal coaching style
Communicate with clarity and influence others
Help create a coaching culture and a positive work environment
Develop and hone your leadership skills to deliver business results through others
Foster principles of accountability, responsibility and empowerment
Greater flexibility and adaptability to change
Improved working relationships
Encourage staff retention
Enhance resilience and well being

Training and Learning Methodology

The course is interactive, combining a balance between coaching theory and practice. Participants will be encouraged to learn by doing and to continuously reflect on new learning experiences.
Our training design and delivery is based on brain friendly methodologies, which incorporate some of the latest developments in neuroscience, positive psychology and NLP.
A wide and varied range of training / learning methodologies will be used, e.g. live coaching demonstrations, YouTube / CDs, discussion groups, peer coaching practice sessions and supervised coaching sessions with constructive feedback.

Training Programme Overview

Core principles of coaching
The Coaching Process / Models of Practice
Coaching Techniques / Skills
Communicating effectively and delivering constructive feedback
Managing performance and responding to challenges with courageous conversations
Facilitating change management
Developing emotional intelligence


The certificate is accredited by QQI. On successful participation on the programme and completion of practical and written assignments participants will be awarded the QQI Level 6 Component Certificate in Coaching Models (6N3087).
The training delivery and assessment will take place over a six day period.
The training may be delivered one day per week or fortnight, depending on required schedules.
The six days comprise five training days and one practical assessment day.

CoachingExecutive DevelopmentCareer CoachingLeadership SkillsSkills Coaching