Performance Appraisal Training for Line Managers
Course Description
Performance reviews are powerful tools that can contribute to your personal success, the success of your staff, department and organisation. However they are often only one of the many tasks that busy managers must perform and many feel uncomfortable about the entire process.
A well structured performance review can be a valuable scorecard of individual and team performance, provided they are perceived by the staff as designed to help them do their jobs and improve the relationship between the line manger and employees. The session covers the essential preparation and structure of conducting the review and the actual performance appraisal meeting. It will focus on the importance of clear expectations that are understood by both parties, objectively measured and fairly rewarded in promoting and encouraging improved performance.
1 Day
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This practical workshop is designed for managers or supervisors who recognise the importance of having a transparent performance review process for employees, and who want to refresh their existing skills or develop new skills in observing and giving feedback, listening and asking questions, for improved performanceContent
Begin with the end in mindWhy reviews are important
How do you recognise a good review?
Performance Reviews as part of the entire organisation
What message you want the employees to take away from the meeting
What do you mean by performance?
Understanding Good and Bad Performance
Creating a line managers checklist
The importance of planning
Step by step planning process
Documenting performance
Devising appropriate ratings and ranking systems
Deciding what to document
Critical incident
Identify heroic acts
Standards based or MBO
360 degree feedback
Circulating a self evaluation form prior to the meeting
Review the job description, how closely aligned is it to what they actually do
Prepare a draft of the review as a way to guide the discussion
Don`t ambush the employee
Active listening
The importance of note taking
Problem solving to remove barriers
Ongoing communication
Communicating facts or principles
How to say what you want to say
Giving positive and negative feedback
Diagnosing performance issues
Using the rating system
Diagnostic methods
Using the Five Whys
The importance of agreeing and setting clear objectives
Identifying barriers to change
Performance AppraisalPerformance ReviewSupervisorSupervisory skillsTeam LeaderTeam ManagementManagement skills