Human Resources Training Courses

Effective HR Management requires and understanding of the linkages between business and organisational strategy and mobilising available human resources. In addition to requiring knowledge of legislation and best practice models and techniques, HR staff are also often charged with training, team-building and facilitation roles.

Professional Training provides a series of highly focused courses to assist those fulfilling the HR role in private and public focused organisations to do so effectively and confidently. Our consultants are experienced professionals with practical insights into how to make the most of the HR role with all its varying requirements.

Browse our courses below and contact us to discuss your specific Human Resources training requirements. We'll be happy to help.

Team Building Techniques
Anger Management at work
Disciplinary and Grievance Skills for non-HR Managers
Avoiding Unfair Dismissals

Customer Service training courses

Providing Technical Support

Facilitation Skills Training

Facilitation Skills for Human Resource Professionals

Performance Reviews

Performance Appraisal

Recruitment & Interviewing

Behavioural Interviewing Skills
Competency Based Interviewing Skills
Saved Searches
Business Training Courses